Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Relation to their Spiritual Intelligence

Published: September 22, 2022


Amanpreet Kaur, Sheojee Singh

Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Stability, High School Students


Background: Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence are accompaniment to each other for refining human life. Spiritual intelligence builds up moral value, spiritual values and a strong belief system whereas emotional intelligence helps to develop personal relationships with one’s own self, social relationships with others and to manage the emotions.

Purpose: The high school students are facing a major burst of emotions which needs to be channelized to give them the right direction in life. In this, their emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence play an imperative role. Present research paper is an attempt to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence of high school students. It examines how the spiritual intelligence affects the emotional intelligence of the students.

Methods: This research is carried out on 150 students of 9th standard CBSE affiliated schools. For data collection, Spiritual Intelligence Scales by Misra (2014) and Emotional Intelligence Test by Soni and Sharma (2009) were used. The SPSS software is used for the analysis of the data. Descriptive Statistic: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis are calculated to check the normal distribution of the data and inferential statistics: Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Regression Analysis are calculated to measure the relationship between the variables under study.

Results: The results of the study reject the null hypothesis and reveal that spiritual intelligence has a significant positive correlation with the emotional intelligence of the students.

Conclusions: The study shows that the students who are spiritually more intelligent have more stable emotions as compared to the other students.


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How to Cite

Amanpreet Kaur, Sheojee Singh. Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Relation to their Spiritual Intelligence. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2022, 10, 83-90
Emotional Intelligence of High School Students in Relation to their Spiritual Intelligence

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