Implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning at Schools in Latvia

Published: November 6, 2017


  • Indra KarapetjanaUniversity of Latvia
  • Gunta RoziņaUniversity of Latvia
multilingualism, CLIL, Bilingual education, Case study, Latvia


The European Union supports multilingualism and promotes the learning of foreign languages since their knowledge enhances understanding among peoples and increases employability. To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of foreign language education in schools, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been promoted in Europe; this has influenced ways in which Latvia nowadays approaches bilingual education. A qualitative case study was undertaken to explore the implementation of CLIL at schools in Latvia, CLIL being seen as an element of bilingual education. This article outlines the development of CLIL in Latvia, which is largely embedded in national level policies which have a substantial effect on the development of bilingual education and CLIL. It also clarifies the aims of this educational approach in the context of the present education challenges and assesses its potential in Latvia. It can be observed that education policies in Latvia not only aim at strengthening the ethnic minority learners’ knowledge of Latvian, but also at changing from the focus on second and foreign language learning outcomes to the emphasis on an integrated view on the development of language and non-linguistic subject content.


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How to Cite

Indra Karapetjana, Gunta Roziņa. Implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning at Schools in Latvia. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2017, 05, 175-184
Implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning at Schools in Latvia

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ISSN Print2320-7655
ISSN Online2320-8805
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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