Influence of Chess and Sudoku on Cognitive Abilities of Secondary School Students
- Sijji JoseDepartment of M. Ed, Mangalam College of Education, Kottayam, Kerala-686632, India
- Remya AbrahamDepartment of M. Ed, Mangalam College of Education, Kottayam, Kerala-686632, India
Brain Games-Chess and Sudoku, Cognitive abilities
The concept of learning and education is undergoing a rapid change. Learning has to be an enjoyable experience for the learners. Learning can be converted into a fun filled activity. Here, comes the role of games in the learning situations in classrooms. Children of all age love playing games all the time. They will enjoy their learning experience if it is done through playing games. Games can be either physical or mental activities or both. The study is an attempt to find out the influence of Chess and Sudoku on cognitive abilities of school students of secondary level. The method chosen for the study is descriptive survey method. The sample for the study comprises of 350 students from various schools in Kottayam District. The statistical measures used for the study are mean, percentage, S.D, and t-test. It was found that Chess and Sudoku players scored high in cognitive abilities test than the non-players. Boys are more interested in playing Chess and Sudoku than girls. CBSE private schools have more players than Govt. aided schools. Also it was found that trained Chess players scored high in cognitive abilities test than the untrained players.
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How to Cite
Sijji Jose, Remya Abraham. Influence of Chess and Sudoku on Cognitive Abilities of Secondary School Students.
Issues Ideas Educ.. 2019, 07, 27-34