Impact of Class-Wide Peer-Tutoring Strategy on Secondary School Slow Learners’ Performance in Redox Reactions in Funtua, Katsina State- Nigeria

Published: September 5, 2016


  • Abdulmalik SabituDepartment of Science Education Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State
  • Torpev Terver FrancisDepartment of Educational Foundation Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State
Academic Performance, Class-wide Peer-tutoring, Redox Reaction and Slow Learners


The performance of senior secondary school students in chemistry has been very poor over the years in Nigeria. Teachers’ use of inappropriate instructional strategies and students varied abilities has been identified responsible for this problem. This study examined the impact of Class-Wide Peer-Tutoring Strategy on secondary school slow learners’ performance in redox reactions in Funtua Education Zone, Katsina State, Nigeria. Quasi– experimental design was adopted for the study. The study involved a population of 977 SS2 Students. A of sample of 108 slow learners drawn from two secondary schools were used. Three research hypotheses guided the study. Treatment involved teaching experimental group by trained peer tutors using CWPT while the control group was taught by the teacher using lecture method. Redox Performance Test (REPT) duly validated by experts with a reliability coefficient of 0.85 obtained using test retest method was used for data collection. Hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 levels of significance. Results revealed that slow learners taught by peer tutors using CWPT performed significantly better than those taught by the teachers using lecture method. The study recommended that chemistry teachers should be train through workshops, seminars and conferences on the use of class-wide peer-tutoring strategy in teaching and learning of chemistry.


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How to Cite

Abdulmalik Sabitu, Torpev Terver Francis. Impact of Class-Wide Peer-Tutoring Strategy on Secondary School Slow Learners’ Performance in Redox Reactions in Funtua, Katsina State- Nigeria. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2016, 04, 83-97
Impact of Class-Wide Peer-Tutoring Strategy on Secondary School Slow Learners’ Performance in Redox Reactions in Funtua, Katsina State- Nigeria

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