Publication Policy

Editor Policy

Following the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the editor of the journal is expected to actively collaborate with the esteemed members of the editorial board, corresponding authors and publisher to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas and knowledge. Editor(s) reserve the right to consult with editorial board members and may invite additional members as needed. Editorial board members are required to review a minimum number of submitted manuscripts annually, particularly within their areas of expertise. For comprehensive details, please refer to the following link:

Peer Review Policy

Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal of Issues and Ideas in Education adhere to the double-blind peer-review process. Upon submission, the editor conducts an initial screening, including a thorough plagiarism check, assessment of quality, and relevance to the journal’s aim and scope. Following this, the manuscript is assigned to reviewers, ensuring the anonymity of the author. A standard review period of 3 weeks is allocated, with the possibility for extension upon the reviewer’s request, up to a maximum of 5 weeks.

Peer-reviewers evaluate the manuscript diligently and provide their assessments to the editor, who communicates the reviewers’ recommendations to the authors while maintaining reviewer anonymity. Manuscripts submitted online receive acknowledgment from the editorial office within 12 hours. The corresponding author assumes responsibility on behalf of all contributors regarding all decisions related to the manuscript. Authors must disclose the source of funding if they have received financial support from governmental or non-governmental agencies.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism involves incorporating content from other works without proper attribution, including:

  • Failure to quote or credit original sources.
  • Paraphrasing without proper citation.
  • Providing false citations or sources.
  • Fabrication of the data, presentation of false results, or replication of content of prior publications.
  • Submission of an article substantially similar to previously published work.
Screening for plagiarism

The assessment of text similarity covers various sections of a research article, including the abstract, introduction, hypothesis, observations, results, analysis, and summary. Author names, affiliations, emails, keywords, acknowledgment sections, and references are excluded from this assessment.

Assessment of Plagiarism

If the overall similarity index of a manuscript is up to 10%, it may be accepted for the review process. However, individual source contributions should not exceed 1- 2%, depending on the length of the article. The similarity index is not the sole criterion for acceptance; the quality and significance of the research to the scientific community also take precedence.

Manuscripts with a similarity index between 10% and 40%, or with individual source contributions exceeding 2%, will not be accepted for the review process.

Exclusion in Plagiarism

As per UGC regulations (2018), the following are excluded from plagiarism checks:

  • Quoted work with proper permissions and attribution.
  • References, bibliography, table of contents, preface, and acknowledgment.
  • Generic terms, laws, standard symbols, and equations.

For further details, refer to the UGC Regulation 2018-

Review Process

Chitkara University Publications adhere to a comprehensive peer review process for articles considered for publication in the Journal of Issues and Ideas in Education. Initially, the editorial staff assesses the originality and authenticity of submitted articles. Inappropriate submissions are promptly declined without peer review. The journal implements a double-blind review process, with editors is acting as intermediaries in all interactions between reviewers and authors. Peer reviews are not published, either online or offline, and remain the property of the respective reviewers and authors.

In cases of misconduct, the editorial staff enforces “Research Misconduct” procedures against the author(s). For detailed information, reviewers are encouraged to conduct the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Issues and Ideas in Education is an open-access journal, in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). Accepted manuscripts are freely accessible online via the website adhering to an open-access policy. Readers are not required to pay any fees or charges for viewing or downloading papers from the journal’s website.

This policy includes the following implications:
  • All articles featured in the Journal of Issues and Ideas in Education are freely accessible to anyone with full access to the complete text.
  • Individuals are permitted to reuse the published content, provided that proper attribution is given to the original author(s) and source.
No Article Processing Charge

In accordance with the journal’s policy, there are no fees associated with manuscript submission or after publication.

Preprint Submission Policy

Authors are strongly encouraged to deposit the author’s original version (preprint) of their manuscript in designated preprint archives, such as,, prior to formal acceptance by the journal. Upon publication, it is imperative that the author(s) carefully include citation details, title, abstract, and the associated DOI number of the published work on the respective repository pages.

Conflicts of Interests

When a corresponding author submits a manuscript to the journal, it is imperative that the author(s) transparently disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may exist among the corresponding author(s) or co-author(s). Prior to the formal submission, the corresponding author(s) must thoroughly review the manuscript for potential conflicts and explicitly declare them during the submission process.

Additionally, reviewers assigned to peer-review the manuscript should check for any declared conflicts to prevent issues that could arise before after publication. The same procedure must be followed by the journal’s editorial board members. For further guidelines, refer to the following link:

Retraction Policy

Any published article that contains false information, manipulated or fabricated data, unethical research work, or copyright violations will be retracted by the publisher, editor(s), or the Editorial Board Members. This is in accordance with guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the publisher. For further information on these guidelines, please refer to the following link:

License and Copyright Transfer Policy

The copyright and licensing policies of Chitkara University Publications not only protect the authors’ rights but also uphold the integrity and authenticity of scientific records. The journal takes a stringent stand on the issues related to plagiarism, fraud, and ethical disputes.

All articles in the Journal of Issues and Ideas in Education are published as Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution-CC-BY 4.0 International License. This license allows individuals to reuse, adapt, modify, and reproduce the content for any purpose, including commercial use, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors and source. Copyright and licensing information is available at the end of each published article.

The journal operates under the standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) – ( and operates under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0) – (

To review the legal code of this license, refer to here: and the license deed here:

Licensing Policy

Accepted articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license, allowing for open access to content. This license allows individuals to use, remix, modify, and reproduce the content across any medium, including for commercial purposes, as long as proper attribution is given to the original work. More information is available at-

Revenue Sources

Chitkara University Publications are committed to the open access model, primarily focused on advancing scientific knowledge. We do not impose author fees, advertising charges or reprint fees in any form. No fees are charged for author submissions, advertisements, or reprints. Revenue is sourced from institutional and organizational support, as well as the publication of special issues for conferences and symposiums.

Grievances system

Authors, reviewers, and editors encountering any form of with grievances are encouraged to submit their concerns to the publisher and editor at or Complaints lacking sufficient evidence or contact details will not be investigated. Valid complaints will receive an initial response within two weeks, followed by an investigation by a dedicated grievance committee.

The committee’s final decision will be communicated within seven weeks. If a complainant is unsatisfied with the decision, they may appeal to the publisher’s office using the same reference number at

Removal of author(s) name after publication

If an author requests the removal of a co-author’s names or vice-versa, they must provide a valid reason to the editorial office at The request must be accompanied by consent from all authors.
