Physics Tutors’ Self-Efficacy and Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Research Activities in the Colleges of Education in Ghana

Published: April 18, 2022


  • Kofi Owusu-SekyereSt. Joseph College of Education
  • Humphrey Assem Darkeh
Self-Efficacy, Physics, Tutor, ICT, Integration


Background: Self-efficacy in the use of ICT refers to a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in the use of ICT in the teaching, learning and assessment process as well as research purposes.

Purpose: The incorporation of ICT into teaching, learning and as-sessment, and for research purposes is a powerful tool that pro-motes the teaching-learning environment in several ways. This study was aimed at investigating Physics Tutors’ self-efficacy (PTSE) level towards ICT integration into teaching, learning, as-sessment and research in the various Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana.

Methods: A Four-point Likert Scale Questionnaire was used to ob-tain quantitative data from 16 physics tutors sampled from the 16 Science and Mathematics Colleges of Education in Ghana. The data obtained was analyzed based on a number of factors such as historical inclination towards the use of ICT among other things.

Results: The findings from the study however reveled that most physics tutors accept and believe that the use of ICT in teaching physics significantly improves on teaching and learning. However, many of the Physics Tutors believe that there isn’t enough support in terms of logistics and training from the various stakeholders such as institutional heads, supervisors and even colleagues in the usage of ICT in teaching and learning physics Conclusions: It is concluded that the overall PTSE towards ICT integration in the CoE is above average (2.6 on a scale of 4).


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How to Cite

Kofi Owusu-Sekyere, Humphrey Assem Darkeh. Physics Tutors’ Self-Efficacy and Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Research Activities in the Colleges of Education in Ghana. Issues Ideas Edu. 2022, 10, 21-30
Physics Tutors’ Self-Efficacy and Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Research Activities in the Colleges of Education in Ghana

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