Roadblock on the Way of Disabled Students in the Higher Education

Published: September 29, 2021


Higher education, Roadblocks, RPwD, Disabled students


The development of any nation depends on its citizens. Every citizen has their contribution to the development of a nation even the disabled person. They also have an equal rights to get a higher education. Higher education increases the chance of employability, thus, affirming dignified life for persons with disabilities. As per Census 2011, in India, out of the 121 Cr population, about 2.68 Cr persons are ‘disabled’ which is 2.21% of the total population. But it has been seen that very few of these people reach higher education. According to census 2011, 61% of the disabled children aged 5-19 years are attending an educational institution, 12% attended educational institutions earlier while 27% never attended educational institutions. That makes the author think and ask about how our higher education institutions are accessible for disabled students. How inclusive are our higher education institutions? In the light of the above-mentioned problems the present paper has discussed the education of children with special needs in higher education specifically with respect to visual impairment, hearing impairement, locomotor disability, and speech-related impairment. The discussion starts with what all kind of legal provisions and reservations which are there for them in higher education and how many are utilized and used by them. What all things are there in the new education policy for them specifically in higher education, whether their needs have been realized in detail or it has been just touched superficially and at the end, few suggestions related to all these issues have been discussed.


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How to Cite

Aditi Pandey. Roadblock on the Way of Disabled Students in the Higher Education. Issues Ideas Edu. 2021, 09, 97-102
Roadblock on the Way of Disabled Students in the Higher Education

Current Issue

ISSN Print2320-7655
ISSN Online2320-8805
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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