Use of Multimedia in Punjabi Learning System Design

Published: September 3, 2018


  • NeelamCollege of Education, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Multimedia Packages, Traditional Learning, Computer Based Learning, Punjabi Language, Learning Punjabi, Multimedia Ideas


In this technology era, students are becoming more efficient in coursework because of a better understanding of the subject materials due to the availability of multimedia packages that make teaching-learning an interesting process. In India, the scope of regional languages is limited only to their regions. Hence, more emphasis has been put on the use of Multimedia to develop the mother tongue. The development of instructional material using Multimedia in the Punjabi Language will help the teachers to procure and use these packages in classroom teaching, to make teaching interesting. Also, this will help the teachers to make a shift from traditional methods of teaching to new computerized methods. Due to this, students will able to retain the concepts for a long time as these methods have proved very effective in other courses too. Furthermore, films and print media also have a great contribution towards the technical teaching of these languages to promote the usage of regional languages at the National and International Level.


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How to Cite

Neelam. Use of Multimedia in Punjabi Learning System Design. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2018, 06, 183-189
Use of Multimedia in Punjabi Learning System Design

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ISSN Print2320-7655
ISSN Online2320-8805
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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