Medium of Instruction in the Schools of Assam: a Dilemma between Self identity and Unification

Published: November 6, 2017


  • Amar UpadhyayaAssistant Professor Dept. of Education, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004
Medium of Instruction, School, Assam, Self identity, Unificat


Education is always considered as a medium of social transformation. Education transmits the cultural and social identity of an individual or group of individuals from one generation to another generation. In broad sense education is the sum total of knowledge of society. During the present era the formal education has a crucial role to be played in transforming the existing knowledge and exploring the new knowledge in the human society. The formal system which is also called school system is highly responsible in this context. Now the question is if the demographic distribution of a particular region is highly uneven and each demographic group wants to sponsor their own language as medium of instruction, what would be the best solution. How does the governing system accommodate it? This paper highlights the same scenario in the school system of Assam, which is culturally and demographically diverse state of North East India. As Assam is a Tribal dominated state, the new generation of tribal segments is mostly the first generation learners. The greater Assamese society covers the sub communities like Tie- Ahom, Tie- Phake, Bodo, Missing, Karbi, Rabha, Tiwa, Konch, Sonowal, Kachari, Kalita, Dimasa, Tea Tribes, Gorkhas, Maran, Mattak, Khamti, Koibatra, Bengali and many more. Most of these communities have their own language or dialect and cultural traditions. Now the critical aspect is whether these communities get educated through Assamese language as medium of instruction or their own language as medium of instruction. This brings the dilemma between self identity and unification. Again the growth of English medium schools in Assam has shown another dimension of the aspect.


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How to Cite

Amar Upadhyaya. Medium of Instruction in the Schools of Assam: a Dilemma between Self identity and Unification. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2017, 05, 115-126
Medium of Instruction in the Schools of Assam: a Dilemma between Self identity and Unification

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RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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