Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNSs): Are Youth affected by its usage?

Published: March 6, 2017


  • Geeta RaiPrincipal, MEF College of Bachelor in Education, Dehradun, India.
Adolescents, Young adult, Social networking sites, IGENERATION, Facebook, Google, impact of social networking sites on youth


The popularity of online social networking sites (SNS) is constantly growing. New social networking practices are being used in areas such as knowledge sharing, development of ideas, creative production, communication etc. especially by adolescents and young adults. These groups can be called the IGENERATION as majority of their daily activities including staying connected, doing project work/assignments as well as information gathering about the happening around them, they use internet as opposed to the older generations who used resources like newspaper, library or television to stay update. The purpose of the study was to examine the usage pattern of social networking sites among the youth of today’s generation. Descriptive research design was used in order to understand the usage pattern of SNS amongst youth and its impact on their performance and psychological well being. Survey was conducted using a self-made questionnaire to study the ‘usage pattern of social networking sites amongst the youth and its impact on their performance and psychological well-being’ in Dehradun, capital of Uttarakhand. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the study. The sample includes different age groups, gender, and regional background. Results indicated that the students have access to internet, 73% are members of any one of the social networking sites, Facebook being very popular followed by Google +.Majority of the students used social networking sites mainly for social purposes rather than for educational purposes. It was also reported that SNSs did not affect performance and study habits though it affected language to a certain extent.


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How to Cite

Geeta Rai. Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNSs): Are Youth affected by its usage?. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2017, 05, 11-24
Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNSs): Are Youth affected by its usage?

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RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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