Fostering Barrier Free Access for Children with Special Needs in India

Published: November 24, 2013


  • Sukhwinder KaurDepartment of Community Education & Disability Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Barrier Free Access, Children with Special Needs, Disability, Acts


Barrier Free Access is particularly relevant in the context of children with special needs because they have variety of needs which need to be addressed. The paper will focus on access to the physical environment as well as access to the curriculum and the teaching environment of children with special needs. The various Acts and Policies emphasizing on the provision of barrier free environment would also be discussed. Secondary sources like books, Journals, Articles and websites have been used to collect the information. The adoption of inclusive approaches in education is imperative so that the goal of ‘Education for All’ can be achieved. It serves as the catalyst for smarter practices and broader perspectives and to improve quality of life of special children. The paper will put forward the strategies for the Institutional planners to help them in developing some mechanism for promoting accessibility and full participation of children with special needs.


Chadha, A. (2002), ‘Inclusive Education in DPEP’, Special issue on Education of Learners with Special Needs, Journal of Indian Education.

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India (1995), The Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act , New Delhi, Ministry of Welfare.

India (1999), National Trust Act , New Delhi, Ministry of Welfare.

Loreman, T., Deppeler, T. and Harvey, D. (2005), Inclusive Education: A Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in the Classroom, New York, Routledge Falmer.

Mohit, A. (2004), ‘Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities’, in Mohapatra, C.S. (1steds.) Disability Management in India – Challenges & Commitments. Secunderabad, National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped.

Rao, G.L. (2007), Perspectives on Special Education: An Introduction, Hyderabad, Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Ray, D. (1987), ‘Human Rights and Education: An Overview’, in Tarrow, N.B. (1 steds.)Human Rights and Education, Paragon Press, Vol. 3.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2009) Responding to Children with Special Needs , A Manual forPlanning and Implementation of Inclusive Education in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, New Delhi.

UNESCO (2000), Inclusion in Education: The Participation of Disabled Learners, Paris, World Education Forum, UNESCO

How to Cite

Sukhwinder Kaur. Fostering Barrier Free Access for Children with Special Needs in India. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2013, 01, 199-209
Fostering Barrier Free Access for Children with Special Needs in India

Current Issue

ISSN Print2320-7655
ISSN Online2320-8805
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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