Enrich the Learning Environment Before any Dyslexic Child Leave School

Published: September 3, 2018


  • Subhash Chandra BasuDepartment of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
  • PoonamMaharaja Surajmal Institute, Department of Education, GGSIPU-Delhi
  • Anita BeniwalCentral Institute of Education, Department of Education, North Campus Delhi University.
dyslexia, learning disability, children with dyslexia (CWD), dedicated learners, special educators, special educational needs (SENs).


Background: The role of the teacher is of immense importance in early years schooling of any children. Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disability which causes difficulty in reading and distracts the progress of the children in various aspects including their academic achievements, and later on, introduces various other complications. To overcome these cumbersome problems teachers need to behave more responsible and prudent when the learners are children with dyslexia. Aims: The present study has explored the views and experiences of special educators towards academic performance and classroom difficulties faced by dyslexic children during the teaching-learning process, and also made an effort to know the need and nature of help provided to facilitate learning.

Methods: The study was conducted with purposively selected special educators of selected schools situated in the Delhi region and, serving the children with special educational needs. The measure for the above domain was developed in the form of a questionnaire, to suit the background and the aim of the study, and administered to the selected special educators. In furtherance of the answered questionnaire, the experiences, and perceptions regarding schooling, learning, needs, and nature of dyslexic children were discussed in details, with the respective respondent.

Results: The findings position special educators as strategic agents, who actively negotiate a range of obstacles, resolve and handle the problems of children with dyslexia to ensure their learning and continuity in school. They are having a system designed to support them, help each one at some point in their education.

Conclusion: Particularly, the perceptions and perspectives of special educators forge a large difference in the learning and academic achievement of dyslexic children. There is potential waiting to be unlocked in dyslexic children, and teaching them, if done well, is the most fulfilling of tasks.


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Subhash Chandra Basu, Poonam, Anita Beniwal. Enrich the Learning Environment Before any Dyslexic Child Leave School. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2018, 06, 173-182
Enrich the Learning Environment Before any Dyslexic Child Leave School

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