Applying Addie Model To Evaluate Faculty Development Program
- Atul BamraraAcademic Counselor School of Computer & Information Sciences Indira Gandhi National Open University
ADDIE, Instructional Design, Training, In-Service, SPSS, ADDIE Model
We exist in a technology era where everything is controlled via electronic devices and education is also highly impacted from ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools (Bates, 2000). The present study is an attempt to highlight the training need analysis approach and its applicability. Further, it focuses on the application of information and communication technology tools to analyze the data patterns during training need. ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) approach has been chosen to explore the correlation between techniques/ approaches of training need analysis and evaluation of training program for n=100. The respondents have been surveyed to express their views on five levels of ADDIE Model. Further, an association has been explored between the demographics of trainers and design & development process of the training programs.
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How to Cite
Atul Bamrara. Applying Addie Model To Evaluate Faculty Development Program.
Issues Ideas Educ.. 2018, 06, 11-28