Soft Skills for Young Adults: Circuit In The Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Models
- B.C. Simeon-FayomiDepartment of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, Nigeria
- B.S. CheatanNational Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, Bengaluru, India
- O.S. OludeyiDepartment of Adult Education, Tai Solarin University of Education, Nigeria
Soft skills, employability, formal, non-formal, informal, youths, graduates
Adult learning for skill acquisition, employability, professional development and self-sustenance are key issues in the current globalised and dynamic knowledge economy. Smooth and successful transition from school to work for young adults means that there is an appreciable match between skills acquired in the school and skills required in the labour market. Continuous adult learning, soft and transversal skills development are necessary for this transition. With background lessons from the winter school, this paper focuses on comparative approach to different types of soft skills in the circuit of formal, non-formal and informal models of adult learning. Various areas in the circuit, different positions and definitions are examined within the context of adult education professionalization. The paper concludes with implications for future practices in adult education profession, and especially for soft skills development among entry-level young adults in the labour market.
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How to Cite
B.C. Simeon-Fayomi , B.S. Cheatan, O.S. Oludeyi. Soft Skills for Young Adults: Circuit In The Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Models.
Issues Ideas Educ.. 2018, 06, 99-112