Effect of Mnemonic Techniques on Learning Acquisition in Relation to Cognitive Styles and Self Concept

Published: September 25, 2014


  • Avanish KumarAssistant Professor, S.R.M. College of Education, Vill. Dandrawal, Tehsil Raipur Rani, Distt Panchkula, Haryana-201204, India
Mnemonic Techniques, Learning Acquisition, Cognitive Styles & Self Concept


The study was conducted on the sample of 500 students of Secondary School Students, as per the requirements of 3 * 2 * 2 factorial design in which the independent variables of Mnemonic Techniques (M), Cognitive Styles (C) and Self Concept (S) were studied. Learning Acquisition on some concepts of Social Studies was taken as dependent variable. There were three levels of Mnemonic Techniques and two levels each of the variables of Cognitive Styles and Self Concept. The study was experimental in nature in which Mnemonic Techniques were studied with Illustrations (M1), without Illustrations (M2) and the third group consisted of the control group (Mo). The results showed that F ratios were significant for the main effects of Mnemonic Techniques, Cognitive Styles and Self Concept as also for the double interaction effects of M*C, C*S and M*S. However, the triple interaction effect of M * C * S was not significant even at .05 level of confidence.


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How to Cite

Avanish Kumar. Effect of Mnemonic Techniques on Learning Acquisition in Relation to Cognitive Styles and Self Concept. Issues Ideas Educ.. 2014, 02, 131-147
Effect of Mnemonic Techniques on Learning Acquisition in Relation to Cognitive Styles and Self Concept

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RNI No.CHAENG/2013/49611
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