Integrating Digital Literacy Skills and Technological Intelligence in the Higher Education Curriculum of India
Background: The twenty-first-century learners can be termed as digital natives and therefore, any discussion on the pedagogies and curriculum must concentrate on integrating digital literacy skills and the teaching and learning materials must focus on the development of the technological intelligence of the learners. The principal appre-hension for all the educationists and curriculum planners is how to transform and modify higher education for preparing the learners of this century to more effectively cope with the challenges of today’s labor market.
Purpose: The paper aims to answer two key questions facing higher educational educators are those of: (i) what is the present status of higher education in preparing the graduates with the necessary skills and competencies for 21st-century skills, and (ii) how can the present education system integrate the digital and technological intelligence in the curriculum?
Methods: Exploration of the current Indian higher education cur-riculum and critically analyzing the results of various studies con-ducted in a similar area and by analyzing newspapers, educational policies, public survey results, and literature regarding the trends and developments in the higher education academia.
Results: This disposition visualized the possible challenges and suggests practical measures to solve the problems and demand for a new paradigm where there is symbiotic integration of digital literacy skills and technological intelligence is highlighted. Conclusion: There is a great need for updating and transforming the curriculum and pedagogic approaches in tune with the learning styles and demands of the learners.
Page Number : 31-38
Published Date : --
Digital literacy skills, technological intelligence, Partnership for 21st century skills, curriculum, media literacy
DOI Number
- Jijo VargheseCentral University of Kerala
- M N Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa
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