Content and Language Integrated Learning in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: Exploring Pedagogical Practices and Experiences through Classroom Observations


Background: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a European innovative interdisciplinary educational convergence that intends to promote multilingual competence among students through the learning of the subjects in a second/foreign language. This approach is considered one of the significant developments in the field of education that emerged in the last decade of the twentieth century garnering massive acceptance and implementation in schools and universities in Europe and other parts of Asia.

Purpose: Although one can see a growing number of research studies and classroom experiments on CLIL in diverse educational contexts, in other countries such as India, education exhibits lacuna in terms of knowledge, research and practice. Therefore, a research study was designed with the objective of exploring and understanding the nature and method of CLIL practices prevalent in bilingual primary and secondary school classrooms in Castilla La Mancha, Spain. Spain was chosen because it is one of the pioneering countries that steered an exhaustive variety of research and experiments in CLIL practices in its diverse educational contexts.

Methods: Adopting qualitative research method Participant Classroom Observations, twenty classes of two bilingual schools—fifteen classes of Natural Science and Social Science in primary school and five classes of Music at Secondary School that used CLIL approach were observed and findings recorded using observation template.

Results: The findings provided a myriad view of the bilingual experiences in the classrooms, diversity and range of pedagogical practices used, student teacher interaction dynamics present, positive learning environment provided for the students in the classes to mention a few.

 Conclusion: The study concludes with the understanding of the ‘added value’ and the numerous benefits the approach provides for the students. As a fresh and innovative approach, CLIL promotes holistic and meaningful learning catering to the needs of twenty first century education systems.


  • Page Number : 39-47

  • Published Date : 2022-04-18

  • Keywords
    Content and Language Integrated Learning, Classroom observations, Holistic Learning, Multilingual-Competence,Pedagogical Practices

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Devika Rani Devika RaniAssistant Professor-Senior Scale, Department of Humanities and Management, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India-576104
    • Prof Neeta InamdarHead--Manipal Centre for European Studies, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka 576104, India


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