Assessing the Relationship between Grit and Academic Resilience among Students


The purpose of the present study was to assess relationship between Grit and Academic Resilience among school students. The sample consisted of 120 school students with equal number of males and females (Male=60 & Female=60) from various private schools of Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Phagwara. Short Grit Scale, Grit- S (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009) and Motivation and Engagement Scale-High School (MES-HS) 12th edition (Martin, 2012) were used to gather data. It was hypothesized that there will be a positive correlation between self-belief, persistence and control components of Academic Resilience and Grit; and negative correlation between anxiety component of Academic Resilience and Grit. Males were hypothesized to score higher on Grit scale than females. Pearson Product Moment correlation was used to analyze the data and t–test was used to determine the gender differences. The results of the analysis showed a positive correlation between self-belief and persistence components of Academic Resilience and Grit and a negative correlation between control and anxiety components of Academic Resilience and Grit. T–test indicated no significant differences in Grit amongst male and female participants. The findings of the present study have very important implications for Indian education system. It paves a way for further exploration of Academic Resilience and Grit amongst school students and their contribution to student efficiency.

  • Page Number : 39-47

  • Published Date : 2021-03-31

  • Keywords
    Academic resilience, Grit, School students

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Vidhu MohanDepartment of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab-147002, India
    • Jaiprabh KaurDepartment of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab-147002, India


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