Teaching Peace along with routine education: A simple and easy to implement strategy for a peaceful happy world


In this paper the authors propose ways of implementing peace education andintegrating it in the routine curriculum. Unlike the teaching of academic and vocational skills, which are based on the transmission of knowledge and skills alone, peace education is based on understanding of human motives and, above all, on example.The key individuals in the effort of peace education are teachers in primary, secondary and higher education, and the point at which peace education has to start is in the training of future teachers. Peace education has to communicate both values supportive of peace and non-violence, and the reasoning and interpersonal skills required for non-violent conflict resolution. Rather than introducing formal instruction in”peace science”, teachers may find it more effective to introduce the subject informally with examples that illustrate the value of non-violence, and examples of the ways in which violent conflict can be avoided or resolved. Herein, it is emphasized that peace education can be introduced effectively by merging it with the existing education system. The current paper outlines the concept for introducing peace education and provides an implementation strategy, contributes unique methods, and offers novel suggestions regarding its why, where and how.

  • Page Number : 87-102

  • Published Date : 2017-03-06

  • Keywords
    Peace, Education, Method, Teacher, Student, World

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Shilpa ShahUniversity of Mumbai, Mumbai, India and Ross University School of Medicine, Portsmouth, Dominica.
    • Gerhard MeisenbergRoss University School of Medicine, Portsmouth, Dominica.


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