Role of Education in Inculcation of Education For Peace


Peace, as an integrative perspective for the school curriculum, is an idea whose time has come. Education for peace, as distinguished from peace education, acknowledges the goal of promoting a culture of peace as the purpose of shaping the enterprise of education. If implemented with vigor and vision, education for peace can make learning a joyful and meaningful experience. Peace studies aim for a critical analysis of war, armed conflict, and political violence as deeply-rooted phenomena that affect the daily lives of millions of people around the world. The purpose of this analysis is not merely to improve our intellectual understanding of the sources or causes of these phenomena, but also to provide us with an informed basis for effective action to end or resolve them. Peace studies involve a dynamic relationship between theory and practice, and between peace research, peace education, and peace activism. Education for peace seeks to nurture ethical development, including the values, attitudes, and skills required for living in harmony with oneself and with others, including nature. This paper aims at an understanding of ways and means to incorporate peace feeling at all levels of schooling. It is also indicated that how peace can be implanted in the mind of a sensitive child of the twenty-first century at the school and home. The various implications of peace will also be discussed. Highlights will also suggest how peace as a way of life can be inculcated in the classroom and in various extracurricular activities of the school and in daily life situations.

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  • Page Number : 103-116

  • Published Date : 2015-09-30

  • Keywords
    School, Education, Students, Peace, Role of Education, Education and peace, role of education for peaceful living

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Ila RaniResearch Scholar Jamia Millia Islamia


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