A Comparative Study of Learning and Thinking Styles and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students In Smart Schools and Govt. Schools


The study was undertaken to studyacademic achievement of Secondary schools students in relation to their learning styles. The present study was conducted by employing descriptive survey method to compare learning styles and academic achievement of secondary school students in Smart Schools and govt. Schools. A sample of 200 students of class IX wasrandomly selected from four government and Smart schools of Chandigarh. Styles of Learning and thinking (SOL at) by Venkataraman (1994) were used to collect the data. Academic achievement was measured by taking scores of previous year. Statistical techniques are used in this study- Mean, Standard Deviation and t-Ratio. The findings of the study revealed no significant difference in learning and thinking styles of Smart schools and govt. Schools students.The academic achievement of secondary school students in Smart schools and govt. Schools differed partially in relation to learning and thinking styles.

  • Page Number : 117-126

  • Published Date : 2015-09-30

  • Keywords
    Learning Style, Academic Achievement, SOL at, Left –Hemispheric (L), Right Hemispheric (R), Right & Left (both) Hemispheric (W)

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • RanjeetaLecturer, Dev Samaj College of Education, Sector 36-B, Chandigarh
    • Anuradha AgnihotriAssistant Professor, Dev Samaj College of Education, Sec-36-B, Chandigarh


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