A considerable amount of research done on teaching and learning is as a guide to effective teaching and better learning. There is an extensive body of research and evidence available on how ways of teaching methods and the design of curriculum affects learning. But they will be helpful only if the teacher educators apply these theories in classroom effectively, in order to observe and reflect better results enhancing reflective, autonomous and in depth learning so that the classroom gets converted into a laboratory where the teacher will relate the theory to practice leading to effective learning. The present paper throws light on some innovative approaches towards teaching providing a base for better foundation of learning and lays emphasis on how teaching in an effective manner can be encouraged and led, despite existing formidable barriers to upcoming change, as barriers are a part of any process and crossing these barriers with proper insight and skill will give direction to a way leading to better learning and a destination to a lightened future.
Page Number : 217-228
Published Date : 2014-09-25
innovative approaches, effective teaching, better learning, formidable barriers, insight and skill, lightened future
DOI Number