Academic Excellence in Technical Institutions


The paper describes the changes taking place in the external environment of education institutions and their effects on the functioning of institutions. It highlights various management philosophies being used by industries and companies providing employment to graduates. All the stakeholders expects the excellence in all respects from educational institutions. It is very dificult to translate and satisfy the expectations of different stakeholders. So in this paper deinition of excellence, its dimensions, and characteristics in context of education institutions are described. At the end formats are suggested to assess the effectiveness of the institution on dimensions and characteristics of excellence. The paper is based on literature review, experiences of the authors and views of experts.

  • Page Number : 23–42

  • Published Date : 2013-03-25

  • Keywords
    Academic excellence, deployment excellence, output excellence, process excellence input excellence, shared vision, autonomy, rewards, role significance

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Dr. B. L. GuptaDepartment of Management, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal
    • Meenakshi GuptaCommunication Skills, Star Academy of Technology and Management, Indore


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