A Study of the Correlates of Organizational Commitment Among Secondary School Teachers


The study was planned to determine the effect of job satisfaction, work motivation and type of schools on organizational commitment of secondary school teachers. Descriptive survey method was employed for the investigation. The organizational commitment has been treated as the dependent variable, whereas job satisfaction, work motivation and type of schools comprised the independent variables for the study. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select the sample of 480 secondary school teachers working in Rohtak, Jhajjar and Sonepat cities of Rohtak Division of Haryana. The investigators used Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS) by Hyde and Roy (2006), Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) by Dixit (1993) and Employees Motivation Schedule (EMS) by Srivastava (1988) to measure organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work motivation of teachers respectively. Means, SD’s and t-test were used for analyzing the collected data. Findings of the study reported significant effect of type of schools and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of the teachers. No significant difference was found in organizational commitment of private school teachers with high and low level of work motivation and the government school teachers with high level of work motivation were reported to be better than their counterparts with respect to their organizational commitment. The study also revealed certain educational implications for the teachers, principals and the administrators for enhancing the organizational commitment among the teachers.

  • Page Number : 59–71

  • Published Date : 2013-03-25

  • Keywords
    Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, Type of Schools

  • DOI Number

  • Authors

    • Madhu GuptaDepartmentt of Education, M.D.U., Rohtak
    • Manju GehlawatC.R. College of Education, Rohtak


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