Thinking Comparative Engineering Education: India and the Rest


Engineering education in the globalized perspective undergoing metamorphic changes in changing paradigms. In the context, as a developing nation, India has an opportunity to share the experience of the advanced nations and thereby, through juxtaposition, can adopt appropriate policies for strengthening the existing system of engineering education, best suits for national situations. Perception about the profession and problem context of engineering education needs ramification. Shortcomings in engineering practice need to be identified in the areas of innovation, research and development, design and technical improvisation. System related and profession oriented issues need to be addressed through the global experiences. Contrasting values of employer organizations and profession for an engineer need a clear synthesis for the development in different perception-context. The paper present a snap views on the stated issues which believed to be contributing factors for strengthening the Indian engineering education.

  • Page Number : 87–107

  • Published Date : 2013-03-25

  • Keywords
    Engineering Education, KSA, Pedagogy, Profession, Workplacediscourses, Organizational Values, Professional Values

  • DOI Number

  • Authors
    Rajarshi Roy National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR), Kolkata


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